Wallit runs as a Software as a Service (SaaS), and is designed and built within the Microsoft Azure cloud ecosystem. Sweet.
Software that runs as a service is typically a service that you do not need to install, maintain, develop – or even upgrade. Many popular services you may use today are SaaS, such as Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, Office365, and many others. Alternatives to SaaS applications typically require capital investments in hardware and software, as well as a team of technical experts to set up and configure the systems. Our Software as a Service model gives our clients a solution that is ready to use today.

We use a “cloud” ecosystem called Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers.
By utilizing the cloud services of Azure, the Wallit team can focus on development, and leave the tasks of hardware and software maintenance, security, and redundancy up to the experts at Microsoft
Our technology is one element that makes Wallit such a great partner. Click the button below if you’d like to learn more.
- Reliability – Content generation and consumption never sleeps and we understand how important it is for your site to be running all the time. We will be available for you and your consumers. The architecture and systems we’re using in Microsoft Azure are designed to run always without missing a beat.
- Scalability – we don’t have a crystal ball to predict when content will go viral (wouldn’t that be nice), but it doesn’t matter to our systems, when we see spikes in demand, our systems will automatically expand to meet that demand
- Simple – No matter the size or industry of your company, IT resources are limited, and we never want limited IT resources to be a roadblock to onboarding Wallit. Our Software as a Service model, allows for easy integration, while providing the flexibility to maintain your brand.