We Love Open Source
Open Source Software is everywhere. Chances are, you’re using some of it right now – you just might not know about it. Open source software runs such powerhouse websites like Facebook and Yahoo, powers your Internet of Things and Home Automation devices, and even lives inside of your programmable coffee pot.
Simply put, Open Source Software is code that is distributed in its raw form for anyone to see and use. Since it’s open, there’s a strong community surrounding the movement – many programmers join in to create the products, fix bugs and generate documentation.
At iMoneza, we release open source software as well on our GitHub page. (GitHub is a popular repository of open source software that hosts public content free of charge.) On our GitHub page we host our integration documentation, API documentation, PHP Library and popular CMS plugins. It’s important to share this information and release open source software to help you integrate services like ours into your websites.
But, we don’t stop there. We also encourage our programmers to release open source software as well. In fact, some of these tools may not have anything to do with our core product, but will be useful anyway. (For example, this author has a GitHub page at github.com/aaronsaray where you can find tons of PHP and Javascript tools – some which have been developed while working at iMoneza.)
We look forward to building our core product line into a powerful and easy to use system – but along the way, we’re going to continue showing our love by providing more content on GitHub. Make sure to star and follow our repositories!